Documentation v8.2.5

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Underline is a set of grouped Bootstrap5 components to include a modern stylised underline for text or labels.


This underline comes in 3 parts:
  1. The wrapper
  2. The label
  3. The line
Sample Text
<span class="d-inline-block position-relative ms-2">
    <span class="d-inline-block mb-2 fs-2tx fw-bold">
        Sample Text

    <span class="d-inline-block position-absolute h-8px bottom-0 end-0 start-0 bg-success translate rounded"></span>


Modify the h-8pxCSS class within the Line element to adjust the underline's thickness.
Sample Text Sample Text
<span class="d-inline-block position-relative ms-2">
    <span class="d-inline-block mb-2 fs-2tx fw-bold">
        Sample Text

    <span class="d-inline-block position-absolute h-3px bottom-0 end-0 start-0 bg-success translate rounded"></span>


Modify the .bg-successCSS class within the Line element to change the line's color.
Primary Secondary Success Warning Danger Info
<span class="d-flex position-relative">
    <span class="d-inline-block mb-2 fs-2x fw-bold text-gray-900">
        Sample Text

    <span class="d-inline-block position-absolute h-8px bottom-0 end-0 start-0 bg-primary translate rounded"></span>