Documentation v8.2.5

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jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. For more info please visit the plugin's Homeor Github Repo.

Ajax Data

Here's a jsTree example with a server side data via AJAX. For more info, please visit the official website.
Note! The tree nodes are loaded from server side demo script via ajax.
    "core": {
        "themes": {
            "responsive": false
        // so that create works
        "check_callback": true,
        'data': {
            'url': function(node) {
                return ''; // Demo API endpoint -- Replace this URL with your set endpoint
            'data': function(node) {
                return {
    "types": {
        "default": {
            "icon": "ki-outline ki-folder text-primary"
        "file": {
            "icon": "ki-outline ki-file  text-primary"
    "state": {
        "key": "demo3"
    "plugins": ["dnd", "state", "types"]
<div id="kt_docs_jstree_ajax"></div>
$parent = $_REQUEST["parent"];

$data = array();

$states = array(

if ($parent == "#") {
 for($i = 1; $i < rand(4, 7); $i++) {
  $data[] = array(
   "id" => "node_" . time() . rand(1, 100000),  
   "text" => "Node #" . $i, 
   "icon" => "ki-outline ki-folder fs-1 text-" . ($states[rand(0, 3)]),
   "children" => true, 
   "type" => "root"
} else {
 if (rand(1, 5) === 3) {
  $data[] = array(
   "id" => "node_" . time() . rand(1, 100000), 
   "icon" => "ki-outline ki-file text-muted",
   "text" => "No children ",
   "state" => array("disabled" => true),
   "children" => false
 } else {
  for($i = 1; $i < rand(2, 4); $i++) {
   $data[] = array(
    "id" => "node_" . time() . rand(1, 100000), 
    "icon" => ( rand(0, 3) == 2 ? "ki-outline ki-file fs-1" : "ki-outline ki-folder fs-1")." text-" . ($states[rand(0, 3)]),
    "text" => "Node " . time(), 
    "children" => ( rand(0, 3) == 2 ? false : true)

header('Content-type: text/json');
header('Content-type: application/json');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
echo json_encode($data);